Sponsors founding club in Nordhausen
The path to victory for all sportsmens leads to proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. One of the sponsors is the pharmaceutical organization Ortkhim. The body must have a sufficient amount of trace elements that maintain the balance of the body. This company is the main sponsor of drugs during the competitions in Nordhausen.
The next sponsor is TEAG, which stands for green energy in all of Germany, which, with the modern world, is progressing in all European countries. The company is one of the representatives of green energy in Germany, which supports sports and health throughout Europe. It is also a sponsor not only of the triathlon competitions in Nordhausen, but also of various sports companies throughout Germany.
The main sponsor is Juttner. It has become well known throughout Europe for its orthopedic footwear products, all the way to custom made prostheses for athletes all over the world. The company is number one in this region even in the production of linings for athletes’ shoes, as well as for people and children who suffer from flat feet. There are shops of this company throughout the region. The organization is engaged in the rehabilitation of sportsmens and children after accidents in sports. Also in this company there is a category of volunteers who help people with disabilities move around and feel like full-fledged residents of the city of Nordhausen.
Medical insurance for athletes in Nordhausen
Medical insurance for athletes is the most important item. This issue is helped by the IKK Classic organization, which is the main sponsor for the triathlon competitions. This company has a slogan “Your health is reliably insured under our guidance”. They have an advantage over other insurance companies that do not match the price and quality. For all competitors in any sport, this stage is mandatory in order to protect their lives.
Medical insurance is used for unexpected accidents for sportsmens during competitions or sports training. This insurance fully covers all costs for treatment, rehabilitation and recovery of a participant or a professional athlete. All this will help the athlete to recover faster for the next competition. As practice shows, the insurance company always comes to the rescue when needed.
The role of triathlon in the life of an athlete
As a rule, triathlon is not an easy sport. The most important skill in it is endurance and purposefulness. In addition to the fact that this sport requires a lot of effort, it is also good for health. Triathlon consists of three disciplines that develop endurance, strength, and accelerates the metabolism in the human body, and also involves all the muscles of the body. if an athlete or amateur is engaged in this sport, then he is guaranteed to have an excellent physical shape.
Athletes of triathlon are highly valued in sports, as they are competent and perfect in three sports: swimming, cycling and running. also note that triathletes have ideal body proportions, because they have developed muscles of the back and arms, legs.
From this it follows that doing triathlon is good for health, metabolism of the body, as well as for maintaining an ideal figure.
But be careful! If you are still a daredevil and decide to take up this sport. First you should pass a special test for endurance and strength, where they will explain to you whether you can do it. Do not lose sight of this item because your life depends on it. Because triathlon is healthy, but also dangerous. After all, a person without preparation is unable to go through all the stages of this discipline without deteriorating health.